I can remember our family’s daily routine as a child. Listening to Pastor Chuck Smith in the mornings on
KWVE. We always knew we were running late if the program’s closing song started and we were just getting on the freeway. And on the way home from school, driving down the freeway on a hot spring afternoon in our Dodge Van with the windows rolled down, it was Carly Simon or Kenny G on
94.7 The WAVE. There was a song Carly Simon would sing, "The Stuff that Dreams are Made of," and it seemed to strike a chord within the melodies of my heart. It was deep even to my little elementary ears and I can still hear the chorus playing over and over in my head...
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
It's the slow and steady fire
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
It's your heart and souls desire
It's the stuff that dreams are made of
I have never forgotten the power of a dream. We all have them. Some dreams are easy to share with others and some we often keep hidden in the corners of our hearts, afraid to let them see the light of the world.

A couple of weeks ago our amazing logo designer
Rachelle W. Chuang introduced me to these work/live loft-style homes in Aliso Viejo, California. As I walked up to the models Carly Simon’s voice began to ring through my ears. What was standing in front of me was my lifelong dream of a photography studio attached to a beautiful home. Though the timing isn't right for now I was inspired and reminded to keep on dreaming, as we never know what God has around the corner for us and with Him all things are possible. I will continue to dream and pray. Tony and I had a blast going through the models and spending a few moments playing around and having wishful thoughts.
One dream that did come true was that we got the new Nikon D300 added to our equipment bag. Thank you to our silent partner! Our dreams could not come true without loved ones who believe in us.
Check out this great quote I found -
"Excellence can be obtained if you:
...care more than others think is wise;
...risk more than others think is safe;
...dream more than others think is practical;
...expect more than others think is possible.”
(author unknown)
WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS? I challenge you to have the courage to share your dream that has been locked up in the corner of your heart with someone you love and trust. Believe me this is the first step in having your dreams come true.

Mac & Jonas are two perfect blessings from God that we never could have even dreamed of!