It's hard to believe that it has already been a year since our wonderful boys were first born. And so much has happened this past year... our first year of marriage, the beginning of the economic crash, and the ups-and-downs of puppy training (remember this comment when looking at the 2nd to the last picture of this post). Mac and Jonas have truly been a God-sent (even when they were being rambunctious). In these times of much uncertainty our boys have reminded us of the beauty of God, the beauty of His creation, and given us glimpses of His unconditional love. We thank God for you always, boy-boys! Love, Mommy and Daddy.

The boys first vet visit. They were so good and passed with flying colors.

Mac and Jonas learned lots of tricks this past year. Mac taught himself how to fetch (I promise... all Tony did was throw the ball. He figured everything else out.), they learned sit, stay, come, shake, and to wait until they're told "ok" to eat their food or treat.

Mac "Attack" (as we sometimes call him) is enjoying the cool water on a hot day while fetching a toy.

We thought that it would be a great treat to take the boys to one of our favorite spots in Laguna Beach for their birthday. They frolicked in the sand, chased each other relentlessly, and truly had all out fun. As parents... it was a sight to behold and a memory we will always cherish.

Okay, here's the funny story... one day we decided to leave the boys home alone a little too long. Thankfully, they took out their disappointment on only two items: their pee-pee training pad and this decorative crab we had sitting by the fireplace. Go figure! Maybe they somehow blamed our lateness on the innocent wicker crustacean.

Our sweet family. Thank you God for enriching our lives with these two little ones.