I just have to give a shout out to Doug and Janece. Doug is the owner of the wonderful
Shape Up Fitness Center & Day Spa in the beautiful Corona Del Mar.
We have been attending Doug's spin class and it is a breathe of fresh air. He is so good at what he does. He kicks you in the butt without you knowing about it until class is over and it is too late to do anything about it. I love how he makes it not just about spinning, or working out but how he ties life into your journey. Oh and thanks Doug for the techno/trance music you sneak in for me despite Janece's efforts. You rock!
If you are in the area you will definitely want to go check out
Shape Up. 
Janece is an awesome trainer. Doing a workout with her is a blast. She means business but knows how to let you have fun while hitting it hard.

Doug & Janece, Thank you for your caring about people so much. Your knowledge is so valuable. Somehow you have managed to make us look forward to Tuesdays. Go figure huh?! =)