Today we had breakfast with a very special couple in our life, Fred and Pat. My parents have known them for over 30 years and they have watched me grow up.
Recently Tony and I have been able to spend time with them reminiscing in old stories, sharing in new ones, and sharing in some laughter and tears. We know it isn't by accident that we have crossed each other's paths again in life. God's perfect plan never ceases to amaze me.
This is especially important to us as you see Fred was diagnosed with the terrible disease of Alzheimer's several years ago. Fred is a wonderful, loving, sensitive man who brings joy to anyone who comes into contact with him. He just has this way about him that makes you want to just give him a big hug and sit and listen to his stories and experiences in life for hours at a time. He is so interesting and wise.
Tony and I look forward to every opportunity we get to be around him and Pat. Their faith is strong and through this new chapter in their lives they are pressing forward with smiles as to what God has in store for them. I admire their strength and positive focus they have on holding on to every last moment and memory Fred still has rather than focusing on what short term memory he is losing.
They have been married 54 years and are such an example of what I want to be like when I get older. Wise and graceful!
Losing my grandmother to this disease , I feel especially sympathetic to what they are going through and hope we can add something to their lives as they do to ours. So today I dedicate this post to Fred & Pat. We love you and are here for you! Love, Tony & Danielle