I am a deep thinker. An over analyzer really. I am that girl that asks why about everything. I have been this way since I was a little girl. I can remember being 5 years old and my Godfather, Syl would sit me down on his knee and ask me well "have you had a little chat with yourself today?". I have a photo of me on his knee on my dresser to remind me about all my little chats with myself. Every time I look at this photo I can still hear his voice, I can still hear my thoughts. The thoughts and questions about life. The why's that often times would go unanswered. I am learning to live with it. With the many unanswered questions. I am learning to realize that sometimes it just doesn't matter. I am learning to let go, to not waste energy on things I cannot change. But I am also learning that all these questions and thoughts are simply just life. It is teaching me to have more faith.
I recently finished reading Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. I couldn't put this book down. Through tears, laughter and joy I was inspired. I was reminded of being five years old and having "little chats with myself". The thoughts and inspirations that this book brought to me gave me an idea to start Tuesdays with Danny (my childhood nickname) and put myself out there to cyberspace. To make me crawl out of my little hole and take chances. To
"Fail Forward". It will be a window into my world of thoughts, things and people that inspire me. Ramblings of my "little chats with myself".

Syl, I dedicate this first Tuesday's with Danny post to you. For always being there for me since I was a "little papoose". Your words of wisdom, love, and utter belief in me no matter what have played an important role in who I am today. I am so thankful and blessed to have you in my life. I love you very much. Love always, Your one and only "Danny"
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